Term 4 2024 

The Glyde-In Term 4 2024 programme (14 October - 15 December) is available HERE or in hard copy from the office. 

It's a great line-up of events and activities and hopefully there'll be something for everyone.

Enrolments open on Wednesday 9 October from 8.30am at the centre or 9am online, and continue throughout the term, spaces permitting. 


Our latest October newsletter is available HERE to download or read online.



Support Glyde-In with Containers For Change

Help the environment while supporting Glyde-In! We now have our own Containers For Change recycle bin conveniently set up at the front gate!


Containers for Change Glyde In Bin

And if you prefer heading to Fremantle recycle centre, Glyde-In is now one of the non-for-profit organisations registered that you can choose to give your donations. 

Simply tell one of the staff that this what you would like to do!




To the Glyde-In, with love

When I started at Glyde, I put caution aside
and became, all at once, self employed
I met Ann and the crew without much ado,
there was work to be done and enjoyed.
Jono Farmer was there in the role of the chair
and a man of great practical sense,
he can build you a deck, fix the loo and sign cheques
while he’s choosing the paint for the fence.
And when his term was done we needed someone
to take over the role at the helm,
Came a man of great science, wise words and strong guidance,
thus Gordon was lord of the realm.
But the Treasurer’s role became vacant and so
Gordon Whitmore stood up for the part
with his humour and wit, he became a good fit
for the man had a beautiful heart.
The day of enrolment required much employment
of volunteers both trusty and true,
The manual system required much attention
and someone to manage the queue
Then along came John Horgan with technical jargon,
a system of all his own making
Class Manager proved both efficient and smooth
as long as the modem was working.
Ann’s programmes were crafted with skill and, when drafted,
were sent to Sue Johnson to cross check
She ran the whole place with precision and grace
and was always ahead of the budget.
Sandra Bantoft was queen of the volunteer team
and gave Ann all the help that she needed
While Marnies’s good eye for graphic design
Made the programme concise yet appealing.
When Sue Luke came along we found she was strong
in the office and kitchen to boot
a domestic Goddess, her jams and her sauces
Have brought the place plenty of loot
Madame Paddy’s French classes were moistened with glasses
with wine when they took a short break
conversations at length and songs sung in French
à la semaine prochaine, s’il vous plâit
Jan Machin’s green thumb brought the garden along
Till it blossomed and bloomed to full splendour
To walk down the path past the birds in the bath
is a pleasure I’ll always remember.
Now the old guard has changed and the place re-arranged
The Garden Room such a good fit
The committee is strong and they cannot do wrong
with the help of both Jacqui and Nik.
Lesley Cotter will clean till the place has a-sheen
with some help from the fairy child Audrey
While Craig Johns is the key to Glyde-In’s IT,
ever patient and very supportive
Now Mal holds the chair and Kerry is there
for matters financial and other
although Jan’s stepped aside, there is Lyn to take pride
in a garden that’s bursting with colour
If you‘re wondering why, as I leave with a sigh
There is something to which I aspire
The future is bright and it is my delight
to be following my heart’s desire.
(poem by Joanna Mount, pictured below)

2022 09 13 Jo farewell 51


Our Town turns 125 years old!

Saturday, 2 April 2022, marked the Town of East Fremantle's 125th Anniversary

Special Edition 125th Anniversary TownTalk shares some East Freo history and facts and stats about our Town.

Click on the picture below to read all about it.

2022 04 02 ToEF 125yrs



Glyde-In turns 40!

11 September, 2022: A fabulous celebration of community was held at Glyde-In, with members, friends and supporters enjoying a great afternoon together. Mal Christison delivered a most interesting speech (click HERE for more), Mike Murray and Lesley Sylvester led a sing-along in the Glyde-In song and the Glyde-In Singers performed several upbeat numbers to entertain the crowd, which was all good fun. Many thanks to them all and to our ever-willing volunteers for all their hard work in organising a terrific event. Thanks also to Floral Army on George Street, East Fremantle, for the loan of their beautiful paper flowers, and to Adrian Young from Linkwest for coming along to take photos on the day. 

2021 09 11 Jan Machin putting up FloralArmy flowers 121201

2021 09 11 GlydeIn singalong Lesley Mike 2949

2021 09 11 Digby and the Singers GlydeIn 40th 1688

2021 09 11 crowd watching Singers perform GlydeIn 40th

 2021 09 11 JacquiReeves PamJones GlydeIn 40th 1699